Protekla godina bila je jedna od najuspješnijih u karijeri 73-godišnje Jean Smart. Ona je osvojila dvije najznačajnije televizijske nagrade. Prvo je dobila nagradu Emmy kao najbolja glumica u tv seriji „Komičari“ (Hacks), a zatim je, prošle nedjelje, dobila nagradu Zlatni globus za istu ulogu. Međutim, sada je pokazala da je i socijalno osjetljiva te je […]
The main idea of the text is that actress Jean Smart, winner of both an Emmy and a Golden Globe award, is calling for television networks to cancel the broadcast of upcoming awards ceremonies and instead donate the money to the victims of wildfires and firefighters.
The main idea of the text is that actress Jean Smart, winner of both an Emmy and a Golden Globe award, is calling for television networks to cancel the broadcast of upcoming awards ceremonies and instead donate the money to the victims of wildfires and firefighters.